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Visual Artist

He was born in 1975 in Manhattan, New York. Ari Alpert, who spent his childhood years in New York, London and Istanbul, studied Fine Arts at the Museum School of Fine Arts University in Boston. He worked on photography, ceramics, sculpture and jewelry design. Alpert, who later focused on engraving, engraving, lithography and printing and turned to materials such as comatex and linoleum, was fascinated by the idea of ​​​​reproducing the main image produced with mixed techniques through printing. This democratic, collective and rebellious approach, which takes its roots from pop-art and street art, would soon become the center of Alpert's artistic identity. Contrary to the institutionalized artistic tradition in which the artist is deified and the image dictates the message, he chose a path where the image becomes liberated, creates its own story as a part of the street and life, and the work gains richer meanings day by day while the artist himself becomes anonymous.

ZEMA Contemporary

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