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Painter - Visual Artist

Bawer DoÄŸanay was born in 1990 in Mardin. After graduating from the Painting Department of Mardin Artuklu University in 2018, he started his master's degree at Dokuz Eylül University Fine Arts Institute Painting Department in the same year. The artist, currently working and producing in Mardin, held his first solo exhibition at Istanbul Ferda Art Platform in October 2021 during his thesis process.

In his paintings, the figures he uses live in the fantastical world of ambiguous emotions, depicting intimate and everyday moments in their lives. Individuals here are portrayed with a Flaneur attitude, exploring, discussing, and being observers. Rich oil-painted areas with colors, stone embellishments, motifs, historical structures, plains-sky, and clouds come together to create a version of historical painting between reality and fiction. The areas processed with multiple color choices incorporate design elements of both primitive and contemporary art. Influenced by the era they are in, the individuals in the paintings represent the main figures of Nihilistic and Romantic behaviors.

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